
“One Light Year” is a very pleasing album to listen to

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Peter on reviewed our album “One Light Year” Oh, this must be the wet dream for those progressive rock lovers that keep stuck in the seventies. Italian band Marygold have delivered an album that sounds modern and up to date, but is filled to the brim with the musical concepts that formed that classic […]


“Ein sehr gutes Traditional-Prog-Album” wrote Andreas Shiffmann on

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Andreas Shiffmann likes our “One Light Year” in his review on “One Light Year“, dieser Titel ist insofern hintersinnig gewählt, als er mehrere Deutungen ermöglicht. In Bezug auf MARYGOLD könnte man nun argwöhnen, es habe Lichtjahre gedauert, ihr zweites Album fertigzustellen, denn ihr Debüt erschien bereits 2007. Somit kann dann auch schwerlich die Rede […]


ProgRadar chose One Light Year in The Wallet Emptier’s ‘Music You Should Have A Listen To’ Round-Up Pt.4

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Martin Hutchinson chose ‘One Light Year’ in The Wallet Emptier’s ‘Music You Should Have A Listen To’ Round-Up Pt.4 Read his review in the following page   Immaculately constructed classic progressive rock, ‘One Light Year’ is Italian band Marygold at their absolute best. Formed in Verona in 1994, this collection of virtuoso performers had not released […]


One Light Year: “An album between Neo-Prog and RPI.”

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Douwe Fledderus on the Dutch webzine progVisions reviewed our “One Light Year”. According to Douwe this is an album between Neo-Prog and RPI (Rock Progressivo Italiano). Thanks mr. Fledderus!!   Originally Marygold was a band from the nineties that operated first as a Genesis and Marillion cover band. In the year 2006 the band released […]


On Empire Music Magazin a new review for One Light Year

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On the March issue n°124 of the German Magazine Empire Music a new review of our One Light Year by Martin Dambeck. Thanks!   Marygold kommen zwar aus Verona, klingen aber so gar nicht nach typischem Italo Prog. Entstanden ist die Formation Mitte der 90er-Jahre. Zu Beginn wurden vor allem Marillion- und Genesis-Songs gecovert, bevor dann […]


A new review on Dutch

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Many thanks to Esther Tiger Kessel-Tamerus for her great review on the Dutch Rockmuzine pages! Regarding our album ‘One Light Year’, she wrote: “It’s a great album. In short, the structure is complex, but Marygold has managed to pack this in an accessible way.” In de jaren ’90 werd in Verona (Italië) Marygold opgericht. Eerst als coverband van […]