
Marygold discography

One Light Year


Track List

01 Ants in the Sand (7:02)

02 15 Years (6:47)

03 Spherax H2O (12:28)

04 Travel Notes on Bretagne (6:27)

05 Without Stalagmite (6:38)

06  Pain (5:19)

07 Lord of time (11:44)



2017 – And 62 – Marygold – Andromeda RelixGT Music distribution


2018-06-09, Luigi Cattaneo,

I Marygold sono stati davvero egregi nel creare un platter sofisticato, elegante e malinconicamente sognante

Marygold were really good at creating a sophisticated, elegant and melancholically dreamy platter


2018-05-17, Peter,

So in itself a very pleasing album to listen to, and one that will be lapped up by the prog community.


2018-05-04, Andreas Shiffmann,, 11/15

Ein sehr gutes Traditional-Prog-Album aus handfesten Kompositionen mit erhöhtem Spielwitz und dem Herzen der Schöpfer am rechten Fleck

A very good traditional prog album of solid compositions with increased playfulness and the heart of the creators in the right place


2018-04-23, Andreas Schwarz, Metal Hammer Italia

Stilisticamente quanto proposto è un prog di chiaro stampo britannico offrendo praticamente a tutti gli appassionati del genere quanto questi si aspetterebbero

Stylistically, what is proposed is a clearly British prog, offering practically all fans of the genre what they would expect.


2018-04-01, Martin Hutchinson,, 75/100

Excellent melodies and intricate song structures combine across all seven of the inventive tracks.


2018-03-18, Douwe Fledderus,, 4/4

Love the melodic guitar and synth parts on this album. Nowhere you can find freaky stuff.


2018-03-18, Michael Anthony, Fireworks Rock & Metal Magazine

The sounds are warm and familiar, and the songs sufficiently well-crafted to tickle the fancy of fans of both the great Progressive ventures of the seventies and Prog’s early eighties revival


2018-03-12, Martin Dambeck, Empire Music Magazin

Stilistisch orientieren sie sich weiterhin am britischen Neoprog und bieten so ziemlich alles, was Fans des Genres so sehr mögen

Stylistically, they continue to focus on the British neoprog and offer just about everything fans of the genre love


2018-03-06, Esther Kessel-Tamerus,, 79/100

Kortom de structuur is complex, maar Marygold heeft het voor elkaar gekregen om dit op een toegankelijke manier te verpakken. ‘One light year’ is een prima album.

In short, the structure is complex, but Marygold has managed to pack this in an accessible way. One light year’ is a great album.


2018-02-22, Artur Chachlowsky, Metal Hammer Poland

Ucieszy ona tych słuchaczy, którzy ukochali sobie klasyczne progrockowe brzmienia

For those listeners who have loved classical progrock sounds


2018-02-20, Marcello M.,

Tutto nell’impatto sonoro dei Marygold risulta garbato, con un suono asciutto e sorprendentemente sobrio

Everything in the sound impact of Marygold is polite, with a dry and surprisingly sober sound


2018-02-17, Myprogmusic

This ‘One Light Year’ should be added to the ideal collection of any amateur of progressive music…


2018-02-05, John Bobo Bollenberg, iO Pages

Musically, however, it’s perfect with very beautiful keyboard and guitar solos on a well thought out basis.


2018-01-29, Evadro Piantelli, Mat2020

Il giudizio complessivo sul “One light year” è positivo, perché i pezzi sono gradevoli e dimostrano una certa personalità

The overall assessment of “One light year” is positive, because the pieces are pleasant and show a certain personality


2018-01-25, Andrea Punzo,, 7/10

‘One light Year’ rappresenta un ottimo ritorno per una band che ha ancora qualcosa da dire.

‘One light Year’ is a great return for a band that still has something to say.


2018-01-20, Valeria Ferro,, 7/10

Il risultato finale è un neo-progressive con forti rimandi classici in cui è encomiabile l’affiatamento tra i vari strumenti

The end result is a neo-progressive with strong classical references in which it is praiseworthy the fellowship between the various instruments


2018-01-16, Cassatella, Raw & Wild, 7/10

One Light Year è per me un concentrato di rock adulto, con grandi melodie e parti complesse

One Light Year is for me a concentrate of adult rock, with great melodies and complex parts.


2018-01-16, Marco Aimasso,, 7,5/10

One Light Year è un gran bel lavoro di puro progressive rock, da consumare dal primo all’ultimo minuto

One Light Year is a great work of pure progressive rock, to be consumed from the first to the last minute.


2018-01-14, Sandro Buti,, 80/100

Disco affascinante e ricercato, perfetto per chi nella musica cerca personalità e passione.

Fascinating and refined disc, perfect for those in the music seeking personality and passion.


2018-01-11, Luca Sguazzardo, L’Arena

Un lavoro che porta in una dimensione fantastica e magica, dove i testi sono importanti quanto la musica

A work that brings you into a fantastic and magical dimension, where lyrics are as important as music


2018-01-08, Mauro Furlan, Classix! Magazine

Questi musicisti riescono a far emergere la loro personalità, dando il giusto colore ad un album intriso di piacevole rock romantico.

These musicians can bring out their character, giving the right color to an album filled with pleasant romantic rock


2017-12-31, Marcello Zinno,

Un ottimo lavoro di prog rock classico, di altissimo spessore musicale ed artistico.

An excellent work of classical prog rock, of very high musical and artistic depth


2017-12-27, Valentino Butti, Arlequins – Progressive Rock Webzine

“One light year” è, dunque, promosso a pieni voti: un lavoro che si fa apprezzare dall’inizio alla fine, un deciso passo in avanti rispetto all’esordio e la dimostrazione che si può fare ancora del new prog “solido” e di buon livello, senza eccedere in virtuosismi ed in “svolazzi” eccessivi ed i Marygold ne sono la dimostrazione.

“One Light Year” is promoted with full marks: a work that is appreciated from the beginning to the end, a decisive step forward compared to the beginning and the demonstration that we can still do of the new prog “solid” and good level, without exceeding in virtuosity and excessive “swirls”.


2017-12-24, Giuseppe Marasco, Rock Hard Italy Magazine, 7/10

Un disco che trae ispirazione del neo prog inglese della prima parte degli anni 80, riposrtandolo ai nostri giorni attraverso una scrittura che riesce a filtrare le ovvie influenze fino a definire uno stile riconoscibile

An album that draws inspiration from the English neo-prog of the first part of the 80’s, bringing it to our days through a writing that can filter out the obvious influences to define a recognizable style


2017-12-20, Daniel Eggenberg,

Im Bereich des Songwritings und der Arrangements haben sich Marygold sichtlich weiterentwickelt.

In the area of songwriting and arrangements Marygold have visibly evolved


2017-12-13, Richard Hawey, Progprofil, 8,9/10

Marygold revient en force avec un album solide qui est clairement digne de louange ! ‎Vraiment excellent! Recommandé chaudement!

Marygold comes back in force with a solid album that is clearly worthy of praise! Really excellent! Hotly recommended!


2017-12-09, Stefano Cavanna, Metaleyes, 8/10

Il progressive dei Marygold è competente, elegante ed ispirato il giusto per rispedire al mittente qualsiasi obiezione

Marygold’s progressive is competent, elegant and inspired the right to return any objection to the sender


2017-12-08, Beatrice Bonato,

Lo spirito progressivo classico che rimanda a Genesis e Yes si fonde con il taglio moderno di Steven Wilson. Nasce così il ritorno dei Marygold, che firmano un album meraviglioso.

The classic progressive spirit that recalls Genesis and Yes merges with the modern cut of Steven Wilson. This is how Marygold’s return came about, signing a wonderful album.


2017-12-06, Carmine Pongelli, Dimanga

Molto belli i due brani lunghi, “Spherax H2O” e “Lord of time”, pieni di cambi di tempo, di una grande varietà di atmosfere, di modulazioni particolarmente efficaci, di giochi ritmici, di tessuti sonori sempre piacevoli, profusione di Hammond, piano e Mellotron i cui intrecci assieme a quelli delle chitarre, sempre scintillanti, danno un grande valore aggiunto alla musica dei Marygold.

Very beautiful the two long songs,”Spherax H2O” and “Lord of time”, full of time changes, a wide variety of atmospheres, particularly effective modulations, rhythmic games, always pleasant sound fabrics, profusion of Hammond, piano and Mellotron whose interlacements together with those of the guitars, always sparkling, give a great added value to Marygold’s music.


2017-12-04, MS, Rock Impressions

“One Light Year” è un disco che ben si fa ascoltare, con numerosi momenti di buona musica fra melodie da scoprire e buona tecnica strumentale, qui i Marygold confermano la crescita.

“One Light Year” is a record that is well heard, with many moments of good music between melodies to discover and good instrumental technique, here Marygold confirm the growth


2017-11-27, Luca Piotto,, 8/10

Disco intelligente, suonato e composto con stile, arte e genialità.

An intelligent album, played and composed with style, art and genius.


2017-11-19, Davide Arecco, Secret of Steel, 4/5

un disco molto bello, pieno di armonie che rimandano alla purtroppo dimenticata tradizione del new prog melodico inglese dei primi anni Ottanta, non senza attualizzarne il retaggio

a very beautiful record, full of harmonies that recall the unfortunately forgotten tradition of new English melodic prog of the early eighties, not without updating its legacy


2017-11-15, Second Endeavour, Prog Archives

Marygold have returned with a solid album that’s clearly deserving of praise!


2017-11-14, Danny Focke, Rock Tribune Belgium, 7/10

De groep brengt een mix van ouderwetse Italiaanse prog met modernere klanken uit de neoprog periode.

The group brings a mix of old-fashioned Italian prog with more modern sounds from neoprog period.


2017-11-13, Artur Chachlowsky, MLWZ.PL

„One Light Year” to bardzo udana płyta. Ucieszy ona tych słuchaczy, którzy ukochali sobie klasyczne progrockowe brzmienia, bez zbędnych współczesnych wtrąceń i niepotrzebnego silenia się na nowoczesność za wszelką cenę. Marygold gra po prostu swoje i czyni to w sposób bardzo przekonywujący. Na tyle przekonywujący, że płytę „One Light Year” śmiało można nazwać oceanem muzycznych przyjemności.

‘One Light Year’ is a very successful album. It will be happy for those listeners who have loved classical progrock sounds, without unnecessary contemporary interjections and unnecessary amplification with modernity at any price. Marygold simply plays its own game and does so in a very convincing way. It’s so convincing that the album “One Light Year” can be easily called an ocean of musical pleasures.


2017-11-01, Marc, Proggnonis

The tracks are mostly song based but all offer some very nice soloing (guitars and keyboards) and excellent musical coating…


2017-10-28, Mario Giammetti, Classic Rock Italia N°62, 7/10

Gli occhi più teneri s’inumidiranno… ascoltando le armonie, le scansioni ritmiche ed alcune sequenze di accordi…

The softer eyes will moisten…. listening to harmonies, rhythmic scans and some chord sequences….


2017-10-27, Gabriel Badelier, Progcritique, 4/5

Dans la grande tradition du rock progressif Italien, j’ai été emballé dés la première écoute de « One Light Year » du groupe Marygold… Leurs mélodies s’égarent dans les tourments d’un rock progressif fin et raffiné, mais toujours intense.

In the great tradition of Italian progressive rock, I was thrilled from the first listening of “One Light Year” by the band Marygold… Their melodies stray in the torments of a fine and refined progressive rock, but always intense.


The Guns of Marygold


Track List

01 Hara-kiri Show (7:25)

02 Crows on the Tree (6:32)

03 Marygold (7:21)

04 Sunflowers (5:21)

05 Tania Stands (2:56)

06 The Wizard (9:46)




2005 – MAR01 – Marygold – Records



2018-01-18, Gabriel Badelier,, 3,5/5

Ce premier album de Marygold possède la spontanéité et la fraîcheur des premiers essais, mais aussi les futures lignes directrices qui donnerons naissance a leur superbe dernière publication « One Light Year » !

This first album by Marygold has the spontaneity and freshness of the first attempts, but also the future guidelines that will give birth to their superb latest publication “One Light Year”!















